Todays Story: A racist retard reaps what he sows.

SungWon Cho otherwise known as ProZD is a Korean-American YouTube content creator turned “voice actor” who for the past several years advocated that depictions of racial characters in video games should be voiced exclusively by those of the same race in real life, regardless of skill and talent.

So essentially, women should voice women, Asians should voice Asian characters, Blacks should only be able to voice Black characters in video games, again, regardless of actual talent and skill of the voice actor themselves, racial roles should be held exclusively for BIPOC VAs.

If that were the case I don’t know what we would’ve done had Christopher Judge not voiced Kratos in the revamped God of War.

Speaking of God of War, ProZD (SungWong Cho) himself actually voices the character of Ratatoskr in 2022’s God of War Ragnarok, Ratatoskr being a talking squirrel.

And yet I see absolutely no complaints from him regarding how a White character is being portrayed by a BIPOC actor, or how fictional squirrels should be voiced by real life squirrels which sounds pretty goddamn racist to me how a Korean man is able to interject himself as an animal in a video game.

Because I for one don’t give two shits what race, nationality or sexuality a voice actor is or identify as, their skin color and sexual orientation is irrelevant to their position, we should be genuinely uplifting voice actors for what they actually are, people who speak into a microphone, those who possess actual skill and talent when it comes to acting naturally be favored over other candidates, regardless of their race, religion or sexuality.

However our good pal SungWong Cho is now complaining about “racism” in the realm of Voice Actors simply because roles are now being segregated by race.

Sharing his thoughts, Cho recounted, that he was auditioning for an upcoming show where he was exclusively offered the role of the Asian character, the only one in the series. Cho mentioned to his manager that he was open to audition for the Asian character in question, but if he could also audition for some of the other roles?’ To his shock and disgust, his agent replied, ‘All those characters are explicitly designed as White, so no.'”

SungWon then continued to cry regarding how the sole role he was offered was labeled as being ‘Middle Eastern, South, East, or Southeast Asian,” and not specifically Korean.

Cho continued “Because you know…that’s all the same, right?” “You can just lump them all into one. My agent told me that this is just how some Major Studios are doing things now.”

To wave off criticism about his complains for racial segregation that he has been advocating towards for countless years, Cho then argued, “Naysayers will go ‘OH DON’T YOU WANT AUTHENTIC CASTING???’ if your entire main cast is all White and you have one token side character who can apparently just be any type of Asian ever, this is not a level playing field.”

The wannabe voice actor continued to add “This is not new, for another show recently with a large cast of characters, I was only sent the audition sides for the character who…exclusively speaks Mandarin.”

“I don’t speak Mandarin,” said Cho. “It’s demoralizing and as much as I love voiceover, the future looks bleaker every day.”

Cho concluded his rant by stating, “to be clear, this was not my agent’s decision, they have sent me plenty of White characters before and have been nothing but supportive. This is what they were told by the people in charge of casting that show.”

For the past several years, this talentless Liberal hack has been expressively demanding racial segregation in voicing roles, because everything about the world that these scum do not like is obviously about race, the White race is to blame about everything.

Hence why he deleted the string of tweets, he voices concerns about individuals ‘appropriating’ roles from other ethnicities, but then voices grievances when he isn’t granted such roles himself.

So, what’s his solution? Eradicate White roles and narratives altogether. Naturally, when people call for fairness, as we often advocate for ‘equity’ and ‘equal opportunities,’ he will then lament that individuals are eliminating ‘Asian stories.’ instead.

During an interview on film critic Korey Coleman’s Double Toasted Interviews podcast on May 2nd, when asked if he believed that he would have more opportunities if he were a White male, the Korean voice actor confirmed, “I definitely would have more opportunities if I were White, for sure, there’s no doubt about that, but I think there have been changes in a positive way.”

“And not just for, you know, Asians, but for all different races, different genders,” he continued. “There have been steps and it has been improving. I mean, even comparing now to like, let’s say 10 or you know five years ago, it’s definitely changed.”

“Like I think studios are much more aware of ‘Hey, we should, you know, cast authentically,’ Cho then opined to his host. “So, there have been some good steps, but we still have a long way to go and I’m just hoping that, as time goes on, more and more doors will open for you know, diverse talent.

Regarding Cho’s concern about various Asian ethnicities being collectively grouped in casting decisions, while acknowledging that this approach by studios is tone-deaf, it also underscores the unfortunate consequences of the industry’s fixation on race.

SEGA for instance, a Japanese company certainly loves to hire Korean voice actors for English dub work such as their inclusive hires of Aleks Ye for the main role of Makoto Yuki in Persona 3 Reload.

Or how SEGA are apparently banking on another YouTuber who has no talent in this profession, seeking the voice of YongYea for the role of Kazuma Kiryu in Yakuza Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth and Like a Dragon Gaiden in the English dub.

Hilariously enough, Like a Dragon Gaiden won’t be launching with the English dub, more rather it’ll come later as a free update preferably after the game is done and dusted with players.

The notion that a voice actor’s ethnicity must precisely align with that of a fictional character was bound to be a superficial and symbolic measure, often sidestepping the underlying issue.

It falls into the same category as shallow corporate PR strategies, akin to removing “problematic” content to avoid workplace environment complaints, because the modern voice actor believes that their voice is worth its weight in gold.

These people, even the ones who can genuinely act, those who have actual skill to be involved in the VA realm, they spend a couple days, speaking into a can and reciting words on a piece of paper, they do this for several hours each day and they demand better wages?

Fucking please, these entitled fucking brats have the audacity to demand tens of thousands of dollars for the hard grueling work of sitting in a nice cubical and speaking into a microphone all day, they want to earn more money per hour than those who work in forestry, those who work in the oil industry or the mining industry, because they’re voice actors and they “work” long hours for barely any pay.

In numerous productions, especially in anime set in fictional worlds, characters are frequently portrayed with skin tones that don’t align with either white or black. Nevertheless, in the absence of real-world counterparts for these settings, casting directors face the challenge of attempting to authentically cast such roles, relying on scant information that often amounts to little more than a vague description of “brown skin.”

Hence, when this middle-ground skin tone range precludes actors who are explicitly white or black, casting directors are left with no alternative but to consider actors who can be best described as ‘vaguely brown’ for a role of a ‘vaguely brown character.’

Is it an ideal system? Certainly not. In fact, as Cho has experienced, it inherently perpetuates racism. Regrettably, it’s the system that many in the industry have advocated for, and thus it’s the one we are all currently compelled to grapple with.

Because it’s not inherently a bad idea, the creators of Drawn Together aimed to avoid casting a male actor imitating a stereotypical flamboyant gay voice for their stereotypical gay character “Xandir”. Instead they sought an actual gay man who naturally had a flamboyant way of speaking.

This approach made the character’s comedic delivery significantly more humorous and effective. When the actor delivers humorous lines, they can prioritize comedic timing without the added complexity of accent work, ensuring a more seamless and comedic performance.

This parallels how the “Hey Arnold” cast left a lasting impression on people long after the show since ended, because they were voiced by real children. It doesn’t imply that every child role should exclusively go to kids you can still breathe life into such characters without that requirement.

For example, Samurai Jack, a Japanese character, is voice acted by an African-American. Is this okay, or should the role have been given to a Japanese man instead? I’d love to hear Cho’s thoughts on that.

However, it can certainly elevate your character’s performance to another level if you’re encountering difficulties in fully realizing them. Characters such as Bugs Bunny, Stewie Griffin, or Apu greatly benefit from exceptionally skilled voice actors who maintain impeccable comedic timing, even while performing with an accent.

This entire industry has been changed to validate racism, segregating voice work simply because woke liberals kicked up a violent storm about how White individuals were reprising non-White roles, little bastards like SungWon Cho are now crying about the wrong kind of equality that he so desperately sought after.

Because he as an Asian-American is only being offered the roles of Asian voices, where show producers are now clumping up different kinds of Asian cultures under a singular banner, much like how SungWon Cho and other leftoids have clumped together different White cultures, American, Scottish, European, Scandinavian, under one single banner. White people.

But how dare he be offered to play the role of a character who speaks Mandarin, SungWon Cho would also like to voice White characters, but his own “anti-racism” campaign has denied him the privilege.

Individuals like this are opportunists and manipulators seeking to adopt a victim persona in pursuit of wealth and success. They often lack the necessary skills and resort to this approach because they are unwilling to put in the effort required to achieve success through legitimate means.