At this point I’m no longer asking, I am telling you to pirate.
Shiravune’s swarm of feminist lolcow-izers have struck again, once again purposefully butchering the English localization of NUKITASHI 2, we’ve previously discussed how Shiravune had butchered their EN release of the first Nukitashi adult visual novel however those particular circumstanced delve from the fact that they essentially took over the localization project from Sol Press and hardly changed anything.

The first NUKITASHI was an utter disgrace according to those who actually play these sorts of erotic visual novel titles, given how its localized English release was filled to the brim with western slang terms such as “poggers” “nutting” and “virginfag”.
Their EN release insulted audiences by loosely translating the word “lolicon” into pedophile though they don’t do this every single instance mind you, rather the translators themselves have seemingly gone on their own free will to refer lolicons as pedophiles sporadically.
Shiravune had also managed to show their hand willingly again not even a month ago with their release of Criminal Border: 1st Offense not only having an altered title for release on Steam, you can promptly blame Valve for this, however we could certainly pin the blame on Shiravune for interjecting western contrived insults such as “incel” amongst their translation.

Across various instances, the English translation for Criminal Border: 1st Offense incorrectly abbreviated the term “doutei” as incel rather than virgin, however the visual novel features various instances where the correct translation for doutei was made, which prove that the translations themselves aren’t just malicious but were a deliberate choice.
Honestly, by the first strike I’d personally cut ties with Shiravune as a whole, with the publisher themselves personally funded by DMM which means they have a large enough cash supply and access to many licenses to purposefully destroy Japanese eroge for wholesale in western regions, regardless of whether the visual novels themselves sell in sufficient units in those regions.
As previously witness with Criminal Border, its western release thankfully went by without much notice.
It’s quite obvious now however, with the aforementioned localized release of Criminal / Liminal Border that Shiravune are a company to outright avoid if you value authenticity when it comes to the stories that surround your pornographic material.
Shiravune are once again responsible for the localized release of NUKITASHI 2, the sequel of the very same AVN of which they released in a horrid state filled with Big Bang Memes and cringey western cultural buzzwords.
The localized release isn’t even out yet, what with NUKITASHI 2 launching on Steam among other outlets sometime during the first quarter of 2024, however Shiravune has released a translated opening video to get fans excited for the bullshit that awaits them.
With no actual gameplay to witness ourselves there’s no knowing exactly how butchered the localization is exactly, however it only took a maximum of 21 seconds from the translated opening video to realize that it’s just as bad as you were imagining.
Compared to the original Japanese rendition of the opening video, the English localized release is yet another bastardized spit in the face of western eroge consumers, with the OP purposefully mistranslating the line spoken at around the 21 second mark.

“可愛い妹叩いたな、この童貞淫奔野郎!” which roughly translates to “You hit your cute little sister, you obscene virgin bastard,” however from the EN OP video for NUKITASHI 2 we can see Shiravune’s feminist employees hard at work destroying what you hold dear by misinterpreting the line to “You smacked your cute little sister, you goddamn dickless virgin incel”.
Given the hilarity of the translation which follows all the same tropes previously seen across other Shiravune produced localized releases, incorporating the western slang “incel” for absolutely no reason, alongside the word “dickless” for good measure, the game as a whole will most certainly contain maliciously botched translations across the board.

There’s no stopping this sort of tyranny, Shiravune are purposefully funded by DMM to maliciously destroy Japanese produce for western consumption, hiring retarded feminists who interject their own biases and their own agendas into their work, which for whatever reason either goes unchecked or rather Shiravune and the like have absolutely zero standards for moderation.
Naturally, this results in the localized produce failing to meet the expectations of the publisher when sold on western digital storefronts, though there’s already good enough reason to avoid NUKITASHI 2 as a whole, given how it features homoerotic content with a “trap”, but for those in the know, the sorts of customers who actually pay money to buy these sorts of erotic games, they understand full well that Shiravune is a company to be avoided outright.
If they hire malicious actors who purposefully alter translations to insult audiences, who in their right mind would hand their money over to such a company? Essentially every media corporation in this day and age absolutely despises you, so why waste your money? If they are unwilling to properly critique and moderate the localization for their products it’s morally acceptable to ignore it or pirate instead.
Don’t give these fuckers your money, they clearly don’t actually want or need it. Avoid their content like the plague, you’re genuinely better off with machine translation patches instead of being subjected to ridicule by a bunch of pretentious lolcow-izers who are nothing more than an invasive cancer to the industry they serve.