Reminds me so much of Ubisoft employees throwing a tantrum over the success of Elden Ring for not having an invasive UI design that doesn’t hold your hand and treat you like a retard.
Palworld seemingly cannot catch a break, it’s the lovely indie success story that leaves AAA developers in envy, simply because their large budget cinematic hacks aren’t as well appreciated or churn over as great a return on investment.
Pocket Pair have managed to obtain over six million sales of their recent “Palworld” in four days. The open-world survival crafting game which essentially ticks all the right boxes for mundane consumers.
Open-world survival games pop up every single year and are lucratively successful, just look at ARK Survival Evolved, Valheim, 7 Days to Die, The Forest and about a thousand others that have had their time in the spotlight.
Palworld is essentially if Pixelmon were a 3D experience.
As mentioned, with success comes envy or rather rage from belligerent corporate bootlickers. Palworld has been the subject of scrutiny from devote Nintendo cultists and Pokemon fanatics alike for being a cheap imitation.
We’ve already gone over their retardation extensively before.
The comparison between Palworld and Pokemon is unsurprising, given the game’s exploration of a monster-hunting theme, a concept not unfamiliar in the gaming world with its broad appeal, but as previously mentioned, Pokemon was hardly the first example of a monster-hunting video game.
The situation has escalated to the point where artists associated with the game are reportedly receiving death threats.
Presently, a developer affiliated with Naughty Dog is asserting that Palworld was developed in a deceitful manner. He expressed the opinion that Palworld’s success seems to stem from dishonest practices, even though there is no apparent evidence supporting such a claim.
This claim carries a touch of irony, given Naughty Dog’s track record of extensively re-releasing the same two games repeatedly over the span of an entire decade, effectively milking consumers.

The retard in question, Del Walker is apparently a senior artist working at Naughty Dog currently, previously having worked for Respawn Entertainment and Rocksteady Games.

He alleges that Palworld has seemingly cheated their way into infamy, with no proof of course before then stating to another retarded western developer, Nina Klos from Sumo Digital that making a game is “so difficult” as if he were to suggest that Palworld seemingly came out of nowhere.
Which is fucking funny when you consider the fact that “Palworld” was originally announced back in June 2021.

Would you like to know why the game seemingly got out of hand and became so prominent in such a short amount of time? The game was released globally across the XBOX console platform alongside the infamous PC.
Its debut was spoiled as the game was given the moniker of being “Pokemon but with guns.”
It amalgamates elements from highly successful genres and the world’s best-selling intellectual property. In terms of worldwide sales, it has managed to surpass half of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s numbers, albeit over a period twice as long.
(6 million in 4 days compared to Pokemon’s 10 million in 2 days).
While there are suspicions of botting, the reported numbers are not entirely implausible. The game has found its audience among both younger players and adults seeking a more “mature” / edgy alternative to Nintendo’s stale and sanitized Pokemon franchise.
It brings to mind the explosive rise of GTA, emerging seemingly out of nowhere, captivating a young audience. Following its success, numerous games swiftly incorporated open-world elements, attempting to capture the attention of the audience drawn to the appeal of an M-rated game.
Notable examples include True Crime and Saints Row, both considered as “GTA clones,” as they incorporated elements from the successful Grand Theft Auto series in an effort to compete for the same audience.
But hey, clearly Del Walker might be intellectually challenged, he is working at Naughty Dog after all which makes perfect sense. Logic has no actual place in this discussion, the game is a “Pokemon clone” and there’s absolutely nothing anybody can do to save it. All the sales come from Nazi Pokemon haters who just want to see the world burn or something, I don’t know.
The success of Fromsoft’s Elden Ring, one of many copy and paste Souls games that they’ve made sparked controversy from Western developers previously, where salty developers from Ubisoft and Guerrilla Games criticized the games allegedly horrible user interface seemingly because Elden Ring, being an open world game didn’t hold your hand by nonchalantly telling you where to go with a waypoint and how to complete objectives.
Bitching and moaning about competitive products that are receptively superior to your own work sounds absolutely justified and worthy of a raise, it doesn’t make you look like a whiny little bitch amongst a sea of mucus that is western game development at all.

Sure would be great if western game developers could provide consumers with games that they genuinely want, rather than sticking their fingers inside of their ears remaking the same pathetic garbage they’ve been producing for the past decade, Bethesda, Ubisoft, Naughty Dog. Developers who continue to produce the same trash on repeat albeit with an increased budget continue to fail in comparison to a no-name Japanese studio who has produced the biggest gaming sensation of 2024.
Following this controversial remark, the Naughty Dog developer deleted his tweet, which is basically what they always do when those outside of their confined little circles discovers that they’ve been spewing nonsense.
The key distinction with Palworld lies in the game delivering what people have long desired: a more mature take on Pokemon, a genuine open-world experience, improved performance, and notably, the absence of a myriad of bugs, glitches, and performance issues that, while amusing for memes, previously marred the gaming experience.