When these people oust themselves, be sure to remember their name.
In the wake of the failed assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump, an unsettling undercurrent has emerged within the video game industry. It has come to light that certain individuals in the field harbor deeply violent and disturbing viewpoints. However, this is neither new nor surprising.
I’ve often spoken about how the video game industry is heavily influenced by activists, with politically radical, left-leaning individuals at the helm of numerous development studios, both large and small. As global entities, these studios are increasingly shifting their focus to align with the demands of diversity and inclusion, driven by the lure of easy financing.

It seems hardly coincidental how quickly the video game industry has declined in such a short period. This decline goes beyond the reach of ESG (Environmental Social Governance) policies and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiatives.
These policies are often imposed on publicly traded companies by powerful asset management firms like BlackRock, which manage trillions of dollars in shares. Companies are compelled to adhere to BlackRock’s social agenda in exchange for investments from hedge funds that operate solely on ESG principles.

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) policies have significantly impacted the video game industry, with companies in both the West and Asia adopting measures that some argue diminish traditional game elements.
This includes eradicating femininity, self-censoring potentially offensive dialogue, and prioritizing inclusivity and diversity in character designs, often resulting in characters that are criticized for their lack of aesthetic appeal. A Harvard Business Review article has indicated that ESG-focused hedge funds are underperforming, with investors pulling out and many funds closing.
Because there’s really no way to fix an industry that has an entrenched monopoly, more rather all you can simply do as a consumer is be made aware of products that are infested with such politicized jargon and abstain from purchasing such material.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bare and the video game industry will once again crumble, putting many corporations out of business, only from the decay and destruction can gamers once again take back what’s theirs and start anew.

The industry’s decline arguably began around the feminist movement’s rise, leading to “affirmative action” hires from 2013 onward. While increasing workforce diversity is not inherently negative, the predominantly left-leaning stance of these new feminist hires has blurred the lines between personal beliefs and professional output, influencing game content.
The issue extends beyond developers to game journalists, who were exposed during the Gamergate controversy in 2014 for biases and ethical lapses amongst journalists. This controversy started when journalist Nathan Grayson was found to have a personal relationship with Zoe Quinn, an indie developer of the game “Depression Quest.”
Quinn received disproportionate praise and coverage by fucking and sucking her way to acclaim rather than the game’s merit, reflecting broader issues within game journalism.
Something similar occurred with Anita Sarkeesian, a radical feminist who quickly became a favorite of games journalists for her outspoken views on how video games were inherently racist, bigoted, and sexist.
She often misrepresented games and presented flawed arguments about misogyny in gaming. For instance, she criticized the Hitman franchise, claiming that players received “bonus points” for killing women in a particular level of Hitman: Absolution. However, a closer examination of the video clip showed that players were actually penalized for harming female civilians.
We also can’t forget the time when Sam Maggs received significant press and coverage from game journalists because she claimed to have been “raped” in Grand Theft Auto V’s multiplayer component.

She later went on to work for Bioware, where she is often blamed for destroying the Mass Effect franchise. After that, she joined Insomniac Games and controversially turned the character Black Cat into a lesbian. It’s certainly a strange rise to fame.

Following these events, the same media outlets appeared to have pre-prepared follow-up articles discussing how both Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian had allegedly faced constant harassment and attacks from online trolls and sexist misogynists.
They intensified their criticism of gamers, suggesting that anyone who didn’t support Zoe and Anita’s work was aligned with these trolls and individuals who supposedly harbored hatred towards women.

By now, it’s clear that the agenda in the video game industry has shifted towards defending forced diversity and inclusivity. The same journalistic outlets that once declared “gamers are dead” now staunchly support companies like Sweet Baby Inc., which provides narrative consultancy services to ensure games are more inclusive towards marginalized audiences. This results in poorly received commercial failures.
The video game industry is deeply corrupted, with journalists working closely with their allies in other media and game companies. Those who don’t conform to the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) agendas are vilified by these journalists.

We’ve seen this with Game Science and the media’s efforts to slander them and their upcoming release, Black Myth: Wukong, as sexist.
Considering their left-leaning stance, it’s unsurprising that many in the games industry would lack sympathy towards Donald Trump after a failed assassination attempt just days ago. Since 2016, the radical left has labeled Trump a “Nazi” and likened him to Adolf Hitler. Therefore, finding industry support for a figure they demonize as a tyrant and dictator is unlikely.
The assassination attempt occurred as Trump was giving a campaign speech in Butler, Pennsylvania. Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire, striking Trump by the ear and killing an innocent bystander. Crooks was quickly shot and killed, and despite being shot, Trump stood tall before being rushed away.

My political views are irrelevant; I believe both the left and the right are corrupt puppets serving a higher authority. Regardless of which party controls the White House, military donations to Israel continue unabated. However, the idea of a former president being shot during a rally to the people is surreal.
Trump’s courageous stance after the attack oozes charisma, highlights America’s deep division: you either support Trump or are among those who support transgenderism and believe Trump, likened to Hitler, should be eliminated.

There’s no real in-between anymore, liberals are unfixable. Biden continues to fight staircases while Trump legitimately took a bullet for his country, leftists are genuinely deranged.
Speaking of deranged, Alyssa Mercante, senior editor for Kotaku and a former whore turned journalist who claimed it’s impossible to be racist towards White people, once again took to social media to spew hatred in her pursuit of negative attention from gamers.

Alyssa Mercante has once again stirred up controversy with a series of now-deleted posts on Twitter, mocking the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. It’s all fun and games until you see someone’s true colors in extreme conditions.
Mercante mocked Trump’s failed assassin by comparing them to a stormtrooper, the soldiers from the Star Wars franchise known for their notoriously poor marksmanship and frequent misses, especially when aiming at the main protagonists. This portrayal has become a well-known joke in popular culture.

Alyssa Mercante further mocked the shooter by suggesting they should’ve used V.A.T.S., a reference to the assisted targeting system from the Fallout franchise. This comment highlights the shooter’s incompetence, using video game terminology to trivialize the gravity of the situation.
The incident not only involved a narrowly failed attempt to assassinate Donald Trump but also resulted in the death of an innocent bystander.

Alyssa Mercante often portrays herself as the eternal victim of a hate-filled campaign in her articles on Kotaku, while simultaneously stirring controversy on social media. She deflects criticism of her now-deleted comments regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict and Donald Trump, where she seemingly called for violence during the January 6th “insurrection.”

Alyssa Mercante has previously claimed that it’s impossible to be racist towards white people, while industry employees around her assert that whites are privileged and that video games have too many white protagonists. Community managers for video game companies have also shown their deceitful progressive tendencies.
For example, the community manager for Helldivers 2 claimed the game was “woke” and targeted “bigots” and “transphobes” following backlash over the demand for trans flag capes in a game praised for being politically neutral and free from identity politics.
Similarly, a former community manager for Bungie was exposed for making prejudiced, racist comments towards White people, actions that were defended by current Bungie employees, making the situation even more egregious.

It’s not just journalist-turned-activists who are reveling in the thought of Trump getting shot. SquarePainter, a bassist for Cinemassacre’s video game band RexViper, posted an appalling tweet, which he later deleted.
Similarly, Nick Treitman, who goes by PJSkittles on Twitter and is a trans and LGBT ally, works at 343 Industries as an associate producer for the widely criticized Halo Infinite, also expressed controversial views.
Following Trump’s failed assassination attempt, Nick Treitman took to Twitter to express empathy for the people in the crowd who could have been killed, noting that no one should have to fear being shot at an event or their job. However, one person quickly pointed out that Nick’s empathy extended only to the audience members, not to Trump, the shooter’s target.
This essentially reveals that Nick is willing to wish death upon those he disagrees with while drawing the line at innocents being harmed. How humble of him.
Then we have David Jaffe, the creator of God of War, who also chimed in on the debate surrounding Trump’s assassination attempt. He proclaimed that he despises Trump but questioned why the Secret Service seemed to be standing around doing nothing as Trump raised his fist to the crowd.

He then followed up by suggesting that the whole event “sure looked staged.”
Liberals all over social media have been claiming that the assassination attempt was a staged stunt, which is ironic given their usual tendency to believe everything the mainstream media tells them, including the safety and effectiveness of COVID vaccines. Yet, during a live event where two people, including the shooter, died, they somehow believe it was all staged or a ploy.
He later attempted to clarify his position in a video posted to Twitter, but by then, the damage had been done. From headlines on CNN and NBC seemingly avoiding the term “assassination attempt” by framing Trump’s fall as due to a loud noise, to social media influencers, developers, and so-called “journalists” openly mocking the tragic loss of life, some of the worst elements on the internet have revealed themselves as the soulless ghouls many have long known them to be.
One such example is the brand ambassador for SMITE, the online multiplayer game released in 2014 by Hi-Rez Studios. Brand ambassadors are essentially paid shills tasked with promoting a product, enhancing its brand image, increasing visibility, and engaging with audiences on social platforms.

I do wonder what kind of influence SMITE seeks to achieve by employing “Tempest Teacup.” She has since made her Twitter account private after making various tweets encouraging the Trump shooter to try again, and asserting that the assassination attempt was staged, similar to David Jaffe’s comments.

During Donald Trump’s rally, a man fired multiple shots toward the stage, resulting in the death of one spectator and critical injuries to two others, according to the Secret Service. Trump was swiftly evacuated with visible blood around his right ear but was later confirmed to be unharmed. Shortly after, she wasted no time expressing her disappointment, echoing sentiments shared by many in the games industry that the person she hates wasn’t killed.
SMITE Ambassadors was launched in mid-2023 as a strategy by Hi-Rez Studios and Titan Forge Games to feature content creators, ex-Olympians, and a dedicated stream team to promote and expand the reach of SMITE globally.
Similarly, Gearbox Software employed their own “stream team,” granting them exclusive access to press coverage events in exchange for signing an NDA to receive insider information about the upcoming Borderlands franchise updates. These ambassadors are tasked with streaming the game and positively promoting it as part of their contractual obligation.

It’s striking how a significant majority of the Western games industry, from developers to journalists, leans heavily towards left-leaning radical activism.
They eagerly seized upon a historic moment for America—the potential loss of their most prominent adversary’s life. In their eyes, wishing death upon those they disagree with has become normalized because figures like Trump are seen as threats to “democracy.”
They argue that restoring democracy involves eliminating those who oppose their views and agenda. Olde Man Grim compiled a lengthy Twitter thread exposing those who mocked the entire situation.

Remember who these people are, they genuinely wish harm upon you simply because you disagree with their twisted worldview or support someone they despise. They’ve been fed a narrative that portrays Trump as a vindictive Nazi tyrant hell-bent on destroying democracy, claiming his presidency would spell the end of “fair elections.”
Encouraging or wishing for a second assassination attempt on anyone, especially a former president and current presidential candidate, is despicable and morally reprehensible. However, it’s unlikely that outlets like G/O Media will take any action regarding the viewpoints expressed by Kotaku’s Alyssa Mercante, just as platforms like Twitch and SMITE often turn a blind eye to the immoral behavior of their paid brand ambassadors.
Twitch, for instance, has become overrun with talentless individuals exploiting their bodies for donations from teenagers, allowing radical liberals to dominate and influence the platform.
With journalists from the likes of Palette Swap, Kotaku and the Rolling Stone chiming in on the discussion it’s safe to say that the video game industry is beyond salvaging at this point.
If Donald Trump were legitimately assassinated during his conference, it would likely spark a civil war across America, a scenario I believe is necessary. The only way for America, and the video game industry, to thrive is to rid themselves of the mentally unstable, violent activists whose mission is to destroy them from within.

In response to career criminal George Floyd’s death, the video game industry quickly expressed solidarity. Companies like Square Enix, EA, Sony, Microsoft, Ubisoft, and Capcom issued statements supporting the Black Lives Matter movement and donated funds to the cause.

Rockstar Games even went as far as to disable the online servers for GTA Online and Red Dead Redemption 2’s multiplayer components for a couple of hours, forcing its pubescent players to gather their thoughts and prayers regarding a career criminal high on fentanyl who threatens pregnant women.
Will these same video game corporations show a similar level of sympathy and solidarity regarding one of the largest national security blunders in decades by supporting former US President Donald Trump, who is likely to be the Republican candidate in the upcoming election? Probably not, given how these companies are rotten to their very core.