According to many belligerent retards on social media, Nintendo invented the whole monster capture genre and that everything similar is just a cheap knock-off asset flip.
Fans of indie games continue to stay winning as Pocket Pair’s “Palworld” continues to take the gaming landscape by storm, now surpassing over 4 million copies sold merely three days since release.
I’ve yet to play it myself personally, but it’s right up my alley. This would be the third time that I’d have spoken about the game in particular, with the Japanese developed indie sensation continuing to break milestone after milestone.
Palworld sold a million copies during the first eight hours, then Pocket Pair announced that it has managed to sell two million within the first 24 hours, to announcing it had surpass the three million marker after just 40 hours and now it has broken another million milestone after 72 hours.
Not only that, we previously reported on the fact that Palworld managed to take the 10th position in Steam’s all-time concurrent player count, which has since been toppled to a peak of 1.292 million concurrent players on the Steam platform.

Palworld now ranks 5th overall in terms of all-time player figures, a legendary achievement for a title developed by a small Japanese outfit without the caveats of being produced and or published by large and infamous developers / publishers or being free-to-play. It has demolished the likes of Elden Ring, Cyberpunk 2077 and Hogwarts Legacy and is just shy of fourth place overall by merely a couple thousand players.
Naturally with success comes envy, particularly many individuals are enraged and upset regarding the immense popularity and success with Palworld for numerous reasons.
One, the game is an XBOX Game Pass title, it has released on XBOX console platforms and PC, there is no release for Palworld on Sony PlayStation consoles, which once again leaves Sony fanboys in the dark given that this indie title is quickly reaching similar sales figures to first party Sony “exclusives” despite being a title exclusive to Microsoft dominated ecosystems, they absolutely hate that.
Secondly, as previously mentioned, there’s a lot of stigma against Palworld in regards to its design of cute little “pals” or monsters which you can catch, train and use in battle….. or enslave and work them to death in the mines, whatever floats your boat.
The game is an open-world survival crafting game that splices concepts between ARK Survival Evolved and Pokemon of course into a well presented and innovative package.
Nintendo’s Pokemon is a longstanding iconic franchise that is religiously praised by mentally deficient brand loyalists who simply cannot tolerate meaningful competition to their stale and regressive franchise, naturally you’re going to find a lot of dickheads on social media criticize the game simply because their entire personality revolves around billion dollar corporations such as Nintendo or Sony.

Such as this lovely chap who asserts that Palworld is using AI generated assets inside of its game, such as the designs of the “pals” themselves because of course all monster capture-esk titles are generic knockoffs of Pokemon.

And here we have another individual, with a following of less than 2,000 managing to go viral with their hit piece towards Palworld by declaring the game to be a poorly developed asset flip that blatantly steals from other games such as ARK and Pokemon.
I mean just look at these comparisons between fictional monsters A versus fictional monsters B between Palworld and Pokemon.

What’s even more hilarious is that in many instances, the monster designs in Palworld are more intricate and better than those found from Pokemon.

He’s onto something here, because I see a sheep monster, a dog monster, a flying monster and a grass monster, Pokemon is the all innovative originator of these types of critters, their designs are completely original and any and all designs that emulate them are clearly AI generated asset flips.
Of course there’s a lot of similarities and nitpicking going on between the two, simply because there’s nothing else for deranged brand loyalists to do than to critique and shit on any meaningful form of competition their niche genre has.
It’s staggering to me how so many retards deliberately choose to be blind to the fact that various Pokemon designs themselves are based off real animals, plants and inanimate objects.
They desire Nintendo and TPC to take legal action against them, but the truth is, unless there is evidence of actual theft with their tangible assets, such as official game models (requiring a polygon match), their actions are not legally questionable.
At most, they might have engaged creature designers who are avid Pokémon fans but struggle to create something entirely original. While it may be considered lazy, laziness itself is not against the law, regardless of their hopes for the opposite.
Maybe Square Enix should sue Nintendo for blatantly copying their design.

Because quite obviously Pokemon is a knock-off of Dragon Quest.
Monster Quest originated back in 1986, an entire decade prior to the existence of Pokemon, Final Fantasy V also managed to do the whole monster capturing trope before Pokemon, that particular game released four years prior.
It is short-sighted and harmful to gaming to anticipate one company retaining exclusive rights to broad designs indefinitely.
For instance, a loose combination of a dinosaur and a flower, bats, or wolves. Asserting ownership over such generic concepts declaring that nobody are allowed to make a brachiosaurus with petals around its neck other than Game Freak is asinine.

There’s a finite number of designs one can create before they naturally overlap, hence why the last several generations of Pokemon has clearly become creatively bankrupt to the point where GameFreak themselves are creating monsters from sand castles, tea cups and ice-cream.
If people wish to foster the freedom to establish new franchises in the future, they need to move past this mindset; otherwise, everything will remain locked behind a single company without facing any competition.
Facts and logic aren’t going to sway or deter brand loyalists from suckling at Nintendo’s teats, it’s downright sad and pathetic to see such a collective conscious of deranged retards criticizing an innovative indie title of a similar format, simply because Pocket Pair are doing what Nintendo cannot.
Pokemon fans should shift their focus from complaining about successful alternatives to addressing the crop of subpar renditions of Pokemon games that are soulless and lazy for the Nintendo Switch, games such as Pokémon Legends: Arceus, regressive titles that look worse than Pokemon games for the Wii and or Gamecube.
Rubbish “remakes” that are more limiting than their original counterparts such as Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl or the horrendous dogshit that is Scarlet and Violet which was plagued with bugs and glitches with additional DLC expansion packs sold to consumers for additional milking.

Garbage games that continue to sell by the millions, simply because the fanbase is so mentally malnourished they genuinely don’t know what a good game looks like anymore, rather they simply consume the constant flow of media because it’s Pokemon.