Once again the stunning and brave self proclaimed “normal people” simply couldn’t help themselves but get offended over depictions of fictional characters, failing to differentiate between fiction and reality alongside simply refusing to ignore said fictional content because it simply doesn’t adhere to their tastes and preferences.
I’m of course talking about The Coffin of Andy and Leyley.

A mundane and basic indie horror project made with RPG Maker that seemingly took the world by storm mostly propelled by the Streisand effect from retarded leftists feeling disgusted by its story premise and the artwork, seeking the game and its creator to be canceled on social media platforms for promoting “pedophilia” and such problematic themes as incestuous relationships and cannibalism.

Of course, these fucking sacks of shit would never actually delve beyond the cover artwork, or the fanart made featuring the brother and sister “coupling” which sent Twitter freaks over the goddamn edge as they simply cannot ignore content that they do not like anymore.
Again, it is a horror game, shocking discovery that there’s troubling themes inside of a horror game, the actual story and premise of the game itself is rather simple. The sister (Leyley) is actually a clingy, psychotic controlling bitch, who has been psychologically torturing her brother (Andy) for most of their lives, when a “prank” she insisted they both pull got an innocent girl killed.
They’re not actually in an incestuous relationship. That whole charade was merely a vision of the potential future of their destructive relationship, that being the only future where Andy doesn’t murder Leyley for being a vindictive controlling bastard, the cannibalism front was driven by desperation as government officials had imposed a lockdown on the entire apartment complex, leading to starvation among the residents.
It was later revealed that certain tenants were intentionally being deprived of food, as part of a sinister scheme involving organ harvesting. Shockingly, the parents of the children involved had sold them as part of this disturbing operation.

So, alleged incest, cannibalism, organ harvesting and demonic presences, with a demon outright proclaiming that they wouldn’t want Leyley’s soul because hers is as black as tar.
Again, The Coffin of Andy and Leyley is a horror game, but obviously your average Twitter user simply cannot overlook the “problematic” artwork of incest relations between two apparently “underaged” fictional characters to take much notice about how goddamn retarded their cries of woe actually are.
The little mundane RPG Maker title took social media by storm since its release and it simply refuses to let up, given how the developer themselves has been doxxed by malicious troglodytes who simply couldn’t tell the difference between fiction and reality.

The creator of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley goes by “Nemlei”, and they are stepping back from what little online activities that they had after having their private information surface online.
Nemlei has simply gone dark, implying that they intend on actually continuing The Coffin of Andy and Leyley which is astonishing given the circumstances, they have however relinquished the title and publisher status to Kit9 Studios as a legal front, Nemlei will continue to provide additional story and artwork for the game as they essentially nuke what little remnants of their online presence.
The offenders? Soyjak party otherwise known as “The Sharty”, an anonymous image board that seemingly took major offense to a supposed “incest game” that they simply did not like despite of course upholding the front that they’re in support of gatekeeping similar sorts of media away from Twitter freaks and the western outrage mob.

I’m absolutely sure these fucking garbage neckbeards are mighty pleased with themselves having gatekept the “chuds” as they prefer to call them.
Nemlei has shut down their itch.io page, which contained The Coffin of Andy and Leyley alongside various other words made by the creator, also in RPG Maker, but this whole ordeal simply goes to show that it’s no longer possible to have nice things in western countries anymore given how revolting piles of shit simply cannot leave content they do not like alone.
Which is why they desperately attempt to infect beloved franchises and demand that they be altered to suit their tastes and preferences, like how how there’s a disproportionate amount of LGBT individuals who’ve flocked to games such as Guilty Gear and Persona.

Larping about how they should include more homosexual relations inside of said games and complaining that the games themselves are homophobic because the characters are straight.
You’re not allowed to enjoy media the way it was intended anymore, because it’s offensive to somebody else because they just happen to be homosexual and demand representation, disagree with them and you’re labeled a homophobe.
This is just peak progressiveness at play here, retards unable to tell the difference between fiction and reality, simply because they do not like said fictional content they go above and beyond launching smear campaigns on social media to outright leaking private information of the creator.
A terminally online neckbeard doesn’t like the content somebody makes? Simply dox them and ruin their entire livelihood, better yet let’s just go and call the SWAT team to their home address while we’re at it.
At least on the plus side, the individuals on Soyjak Party have their own names and addresses, because I sure as shit don’t like them or their little website, so it would be logical to simply dox the individuals responsible right, because that’s apparently what the morally righteous “good people” are doing nowadays.
The western internet sphere is a goddamn fucking joke.